I love growing vegetables on my deck, except I’m not delighted that I can’t see flowers bordering my back fence due to the huge pots of vegetables along my deck’s edge.
Now that I’ve ordered and planted a variety of lovely xeriscape flowers along my back fence, I want to see them as they grow and come into flower. So the huge pots of vegetables are… no longer ideal ~ at least not in the areas they formerly occupied.
Since I have my huge pots on these Plant Caddies from Gardeners’ Supply, I can try my huge pots in different locations, to see where they least block my view of flowers along my fence. Basically, the closer the pots are to the edge of the deck, the more they block out the flowers, so by rolling them toward the center of my deck, little by little, I can position them where I can easily see over them…
Thing is, once they’re in a position which gives me optimum view of my flowers, they take up the middle space of my deck, giving an impression of clutter, which greatly detracts from the beauty of the flowers on which I want my gaze to fall.
My new plan is to put two large, but not huge, pots on one rectangular caddy, then position it just far enough from the edge of the deck to not block my view of the flowers. Meanwhile the huge pots will go toward the edge against which I have blackberries growing.
In order to carry out this plan, I’m ordering two more rectangular caddies.